
Frequently reviewed questions

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Contact us

Please contact us from this form if this does not solve the problem.

When you send the mail form, you will immediately receive automatic reply e-mail for confirmation. If you do not receive this confirmation mail, please check whether our mail has sorted into spam folder, or spedified to refect message.

*Enter IMEI number if you already purchased.
*The number on the card pocket (remove the rear cover).

NuAns NEO Support

TEL: 050-5577-8695 (Japanese only)
  Mon - Fri (10:00~12:00 / 13:00~17:00 / Japan Time)


NEO sales/customer support is currently available in Japan as it supports bands in Japan only. Please wait the latest update from us.

Contact us

Please contact us from this form if this does not solve the problem.

When you send the mail form, you will immediately receive automatic reply e-mail for confirmation. If you do not receive this confirmation mail, please check whether our mail has sorted into spam folder, or spedified to refect message.

*Enter IMEI number if you already purchased.
*The number on the card pocket (remove the rear cover).

NuAns NEO Support

TEL: 050-5577-8695 (Japanese only)
  Mon - Fri (10:00~12:00 / 13:00~17:00 / Japan Time)

